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Sign up to read the Old Testament and Epistle readings on Sunday! The sign-up sheet is located on the Info Center bulletin board in the Fellowship Hall.


*Sign up to be a Lector on Sunday in the Info Center. When there is no Lector, an Elder will read the Scriptures.


Anyone can be a Lector on Sunday as long as they can read! The readings for each Sunday are posted on the sign-up sheet on the Info Center bulletin board. Those who sign up can be prepared should they wish to practice fluency or hard to pronounce words/names in scripture ahead of time.

What to expect:
As a Lector/ Reader, you will bow towards the cross before ascending the steps and taking your bulletin up to the podium with you to read the Old Testament and Epistle readings to the congregation.

Begin by stating the book the scripture is from and the chapter and verse before reading (Ex: "The Old Testament reading comes from Isaiah chapter 42 verses 1-7"). After you finish, walk down the steps, turn, and bow towards the cross again before returning to your seat (This is done as a sign of respect and humility).

We love it when people from the congregation read! It is a wonderful way to serve the Lord.

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